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Healthy Kid-Friendly Lunch Recipes | NIKU Farms

August 22, 2022

It’s about that time of year again, you’re getting ready to send the kids back to school and it’s time to start brainstorming ideas for lunches that will give them the energy they need to get through the day.

We know how difficult it can be to find a meal that’s easy to make, easy to pack up, and is decently healthy.

Check out our list below to get some inspiration for pasture-raised, grass-fed lunches that are easy to pack for your children!

An overhead view of a white plate topped with tomato, avocado, and grilled chicken breast.

Turkey and Cheddar Rolls

Getting good protein into a packed lunch can be challenging. But you can’t go wrong with pasture-raised turkey! Roll a slice of cheddar cheese into a slice of turkey breast, and repeat until you have a few good bites.

Pack these turkey rolls along with crackers and some fresh, local fruits and vegetables, and you’ve got a super simple lunch that your child will love to eat!

Pasta Salad with Chicken

If you’re a fan of meal-prep, this pasta salad is a great idea for your family.

Cook up some pasture-raised chicken breast, season with salt and pepper, and pull apart into bite-sized pieces. Then cook up your pasta – bow tie or penne pasta works well for this recipe – and mix in garlic, Italian seasoning, and olive oil for your dressing. Now it’s time to add in some sliced grape tomatoes, feta cheese and chopped green peppers. 

Make a large bowl of it for a family dinner, and save the leftovers for your lunches!

DIY Wraps

One way to make lunch fun is by letting your kids build their own – and making wraps is a great way to engage them in healthy eating!

Pack some tortillas along with a bit of lettuce, chopped tomatoes, shredded cheese, and your child’s favourite grass-fed meat. They’ll have a great time putting together their wraps, and you’ll feel confident knowing they’re getting a healthy lunch.

DIY Pizza

If you’d prefer, you can always do the DIY aspect together at home! The night before, get creative with your family and make your own mini pizzas with all of their favourite toppings. 

Grab your pizza dough and top with tomato sauce, shredded mozzarella cheese, and whatever your family loves – grass-fed sausage, pasture-raised ham, locally sourced vegetables like green peppers, onion, mushrooms.

Make it your own and get your kids excited to open those lunchboxes.

Ready to start packing lunches this September? Head over to our products page and build your next box with your kids’ lunches in mind!