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Get creative with ground meat recipes | NIKU Farms

November 17, 2021

Most home cooks have their go-to ground meat of choice that they like to use in certain recipes. But NIKU Farms offers tasty pasture-raised ground beef, chicken, lamb, and bison – why limit yourself or your family to just one?

Depending on which animals it comes from, ground meat has a lot of different properties. Ground beef can be fatty and delicious, ground chicken is typically more lean and full of protein, and ground bison is high in iron – it might affect which ground meat you choose to add to your family’s dinner.

Keep on scrolling for inspiration on how to use all of our farms’ ground meat in various weeknight meal dishes!

A plate of grass fed ground beef, topped with parsley.

Ground Beef

If you’re a fan of the classic grass-fed ground beef, grab a pound of grass fed beef from Blackview Farm, Howick Community Farms, or Marita Fields in your next NIKU Farms order, and cook up something your family will love.

Try making a hearty slow cooker meat sauce for your pasta, a layer of protein for a lasagna, a sloppy joe, a spicy beef topping for a pile of cheesy nachos, or find a recipe for a flavourful beef moussaka! Using free range, 100% grass fed beef cattle not only makes delicious comfort food, but has great health benefits.

Ground Chicken

Howick Community Farms can offer pasture-raised ground chicken to stock up your freezer and make high-in-protein but low-in-fat recipes that taste incredible.

You can of course use the ground chicken in a chicken noodle soup or a grilled chicken burger, but why not try making sweet and sour chicken meatballs, or Buffalo chicken taco filling?

Ground Lamb

Get those ground lamb juices flowing by picking up a pound of pasture-raised ground lamb from Woolleys’ Lamb farm or Howick Community. If you get creative with your sauces and seasonings, you’ll have the most delicious ground meat recipes!

Try making a flatbread or pizza with your ground lamb, red onion, and some goat cheese or savory-seasoned yogurt – yum! You can also use lamb in a meat hand pie, succulent meatloaf, or Shepherd’s pie recipe with mashed potatoes  for outstanding flavour.

Ground Bison

Have you ever tried ground bison? Add some pasture-raised ground bison from Big Rock Bison to your next NIKU order, for something high in iron and low in fat, with a bit of a delicate flavour. 

Make up a healthy bowl of your favourite veggies and add some ground bison for protein, or hollow out some bell peppers and fill them with the bison and your favourite shredded cheese for a hearty stuffed pepper. You can also try a black bean chili with bison, or cooking up a ground bison hash with potatoes and vegetables!

If we’ve got you feeling inspired to try some new ground meat in your family’s favourite recipes, don’t hesitate to add some grass-fed ground beef (or chicken, or lamb, or bison) to your next NIKU Farms order!